“4 Tech” Income of GDAS in 2019 Ranks 4th among Public R&D Institutions in China

2021-07-29 L  M  S 】

  On April 14th, the China Technology Commercialization Annual Report 2020 (Universities and Research Institutes) was officially published and distributed cross country. The report, under the guidance of the Department of Research Commercialization and Regional Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology, was written by the China Society of Science & Technology Evaluation and Achievement Management, the National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, and the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China.  

  According to the report, GDAS's contract amount of technology transfer and commercialization added up to 657,906,100 yuan, involving the four tech categories of technology transfer (transfer, licensing, and investment), technology development, technology consulting, and technology services (referred to as the “4 Tech”). Comparing with the previous year, the amount increased by 11%, ranking 4th among all public research institutes (3 places up) and 24th among all colleges and universities in the country (3 place up).

  The report adopted a sample of research commercialization data in 2019 from a total of 3,450 institutions (including 2072 research institutions). By means of mathematical statistics, expert consultation, telephone interviews, and on-site surveys, the report analyzed the progress, effectiveness, best practices, and main problems regarding to technology commercialization in public institutions.