GDAS Visits Hainan Sugarcane Breeding Field

2021-07-01 L  M  S 】

  On October 10th, a GDAS delegation visited Hainan Sugarcane Breeding Field of GDAS Institute of Bioengineering; the group members included LIAO Bing, President of GDAS, ZHOU Chenghu, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and LIU Jianyao, Co-chairman at Beijing Sysware Technology Co. They stressed the necessity to carefully study and implement the important directives and guiding principles put forward by General Secretary XI Jinping during his inspection at the National Breeding & Multiplication Base (Hainan). Efforts should also be made to strengthen top-level design, determine positioning targets, and integrate resources of benefit, so as to help the base rise to the first-class level in China. 

  The delegation then listened to the work report on scientific research, personnel building, platform development and construction of the breeding & multiplication lab. Besides, they inspected the lab of molecular genetics, lab of engineering for crop breeding, resource bank of sugarcane germplasm, hybrid seed production base, photoperiod room, and lab of breeding & multiplication for seed industry, and had in-depth discussions with sci-tech professionals. The group fully appreciated the field’s achievements in the past 60 years in breeding research, personnel building and base development. 

  LIAO stressed the necessity to carefully study and implement the important directives and guiding principles; put forward by General Secretary XI Jinping during his inspection at the National Breeding & Multiplication Base (Hainan) in Sanya. Efforts are required, as put by XI, to recognize the strategic needs of the the country’s seed breeding & multiplication industry, uphold the shared vision, leverage the regional advantages of Hainan as a tropical and subtropical region, attract talents, technologies among other resources, and focus on the role of the seed industry as an economic driver. He looked forward to a seed breeding & multiplication system which is featured by precise positioning, proper top design, various specialties, and has integrated different functions of research, platforms, exchanges, management, and services. At the same time, he encouraged agricultural researchers to work on-site and maka contributions to construct a first-class seed breeding base in China. 

  Academician ZHOU provided several suggestions: to utilize the role of Guangdong Breeding & Multiplication Service Center, which is attached to the Hainan field through positioning and planning; to learn past experience, establish core competencies, tap the wisdom of the older generations of breeding scientists, and introduce more advanced breeding professionals; to build a first-class lab of breeding & multiplication for seed industry, and create an interconnected system of different varieties; to embrace a global vision and take all measures possible to promote domestic and international cooperation in an all-round way, so as to integrate resources and share outcomes. 

  LIU added that the development plan on breeding & multiplication for seed industry should be oriented towards high-efficiency agriculture and put in the context of modern agriculture. He advised to put advantages of talents, platforms, and research in the region to good use, compile a strategic plan on breeding & multiplication for seed industry,  leverage the interconnection between the breeding field, the institute, GDAS, and other technology and innovation elements and agencies from 

  Guangdong, Hainan and national levels’ agricultural technology innovation , in order to accumulate agricultural breeding professionals and share sci-tech-y platforms and outcomes. 

  CHEN Junjia, director of GDAS Institute of Bioengineering, said that his team would immediately start making plans on breeding & multiplication for seed industry, select the right pathway, give full play to advantages, find a proper positioning and direction, and open a new chapter for breeding & multiplication . 

the field visiting

the field visiting

the seminar